
Arts in broadcasting and television: Leonardo on BBC 3

Four million viewers tuned in to Alan Yentob’s three-part series on the wonders of Da Vinci

Television Guide: Mario Testino's marriage of glamour and individual identity, Warhol's multi-faceted career, and Philip Lorca diCorcia's submission for the Citibank Private Bank Photography Prize

The Art Newspaper reviews the "Mario Testino, Diana's favourite photographer" (BBC), "Andy Warhol: the complete picture" and the Citibank Private Bank Photography Prize 2002 (Channel 4)


Art in the Media: Norman Foster’s renovated Reichstag, Andy Warhol on video and CNN's The ArtClub comes to London

Air-raising adventures in Berlin, the mythology of Andy Warhol on screen, and The ArtClub hitting its stride at London visual art events