Hadani Ditmars

Vancouver Biennale opens a bridge into the digital world

Voxel Bridge, by the Colombian artist Jessica Angel, turns a venerable piece of city infrastructure into a hybrid immersive art work

'I want the UN to come and see what has happened here': Canadian Indian residential school survivor speaks out for victims in his art

Vancouver-based Cowichan/Syilx artist Lawrence Paul Yuxweluptun creates new work in memory of dead Indigenous children

Vancouver residents launch petition to block Boy Holding a Shark public art ‘monstrosity’

Locals cite concerns about property values, obstructed views of nature and the ethnicity of the artist, but Vancouver Biennial organisers say the work will act as a warning beacon for ocean conservation

Sea junk sculptures draw crowds in Canada for World Oceans Day

After popping up in Vancouver, an installation of figures made from trash travels to Toronto and Quebec City


Haida artist Tamara Bell installs 215 shoes on the steps of Vancouver Art Gallery as a memorial to Indigenous children who died at residential school

The work has become a community shrine and gathering space for mourners after the remains of children as young as three years old were discovered last week using ground-penetrating radar


Cornelia Hahn Oberlander, landscape architect known as the ‘Queen of Green’, has died, aged 99

Responsible for green spaces that still provide respite to city dwellers around the world, the designer saw her profession as a kind of healing art

Artist-run Dar Jacir Center in Bethlehem damaged

A newsletter issued by the cultural facility, founded by sisters Emily and Annemarie Jacir, says its office was ransacked and equipment was stolen


At an art school in Gaza, creation prevails amid destruction

Bombings have halted classes in the city’s only accredited arts academy, but its founder keeps hope alive

Arts Umbrella, Canada’s largest culture educator, opens new $27m home in Vancouver

The new education centre on Granville Island with arts, music, film and dance studios, will serve 24,000 student annually


Work for the Weekend: Vancouver unveils sound piece inspired by 1980s working-class pop anthem

The public art work by the local artist Brady Cranfield has been installed in the Vancouver Art Gallery's newly pedestrianised south plaza

They see ‘dead people’: billboard works removed from Vancouver photography festival after locals complain

The images of sleeping people were too creepy for many residents, in a city where property values are a major concern


A tribute to Cornelia Hahn Oberlander, the landscape architect who shaped Vancouver’s greenspaces

A joint retrospective organised by the West Vancouver Art Museum and Art Gallery of Alberta beautifully expresses the designer’s passion for nature and understanding of community needs

Vancouver’s street artists respond to columnist’s graffiti gripes with painted ‘letter to the editor’

A writer’s complaints about downtown tagging were met with accusations of classism—and a new mural

Douglas Coupland brings his prophetic slogans to Vancouver's billboards

Slogans for the 21st Century are on view in the city's new Arbutus Greenway

New Art Gallery of Nova Scotia building is inspired by indigenous Mi’kmaq culture

The winning design is meant to be both a centrepiece of Halifax’s burgeoning waterfront arts district and an earnest symbol of reconciliation, the project leads say

Never before seen Emily Carr works go from family fireplace to Canadian museum

British Columbia brothers donate paintings their grandmothers acquired to Art Gallery of Greater Victoria

Vancouver painter’s $100 Facebook portraits raise more than $150,000 for residency project

Proto-Riot Grrrl Jean Smith plans to launch space to support international artists


Mural memorialises Vancouver’s lost historic Black neighbourhood

Hogan’s Alley was once a thriving hub of Black Canadian culture, before it was demolished like so many communities in the name of urban renewal

Chinese Canadian Museum opens in Vancouver with pop-up show centred on food

The institution is looking for a permanent home in the city’s historic Chinatown

Haida artist Bill Reid honoured on Canadian $2 coin

The new “toonie” features an image of Reid’s striking Xhuwaji/Haida Grizzly Bear

A global pandemic brings new life to Palestinian artist's face masks

Gazan-born artist Mohammed Musallam finds new meaning in a past face mask project, which is based upon a traditional keffiyeh design


Unesco's plan to ‘revive spirit’ of devastated Mosul gets under way

Initiative involves local communities in rebuilding their historic landmarks and neighbourhoods


Iran's leading artist Parviz Tanavoli makes nightingale medallions to help hospitals in his native country

The artist says Iran has been “devastated” by the crisis, which he adds has been exacerbated by US sanctions


Vancouver street artists provide coronavirus advice to Canada’s most vulnerable communities

City council is collaborating with mural makers to paint storefronts that have closed due to Covid-19 in a neighbourhood already suffering from the opioid crisis

Restorers making headway in rehabilitation of Erbil Citadel

After setbacks related to ISIS's offensive, preservationists in northern Iraq report progress

Canadian Modernist painter Gordon Smith has died, aged 100

The Vancouver-based artist, one of the last of a generation that shaped the city’s mid-century cultural scene, was known for his monumental abstract canvases inspired by nature

Rodney Graham’s Spinning Chandelier creates a ‘class-warfare’ debate in Vancouver

Installation in gentrified area is criticised as artists are priced out of the city's housing market


As protests rage in Iraq, experts say culture is key to long-term reconstruction

Iraqi culture ministry announces new national museum in Baghdad as Mosul restoration plan is extended to historic churches

Street artists create memorial mural in Argentina for victim of New York terror attack

The architect Hernán Ferruchi was visiting the city with friends when he was hit by a truck while cycling on 31 October 2017

Vancouver street photographer Fred Herzog has died, age 88

The German-born Canadian captured a view of the city that has since been lost, but he did not receive major recognition until late in life