Tiny paint flakes from damaged work give clues to artist’s technique
"Malevich’s early figurative paintings reveal his debt to Monet and Renoir"
A Monet suffered a 10cm tear from being punched
Charing Cross Bridge of 1902 was gifted by a friend after he was ensured it would satisfy by Tate director John Rothenstein
This show originated last year at the Art Gallery of Ontario in Toronto under the curatorial leadership of Catharine Lochnan, before touring in 2005 to the Grand Palais in Paris and Tate Modern, London. It attracted very large numbers of visitors at all three venues.
“Turks: A journey of a thousand years 600-1600” and “Turner, Whistler, Monet” have been wildly successful
Metropolitan Monet subject to claim
The top twenty has Cézanne at the top with a new record from Sotheby's
A Monet returned; a Bonnard, Léger and Matisse still claimed
Why not have a museum masterpiece over your mantle?
The work was chosen by Monet himself for his final retrospective in 1924