First major show on subject is at the Museum of Contemporary Art in Krakow
Move raises fears that Brexit will leave Britain 'culturally isolated'
The V&A’s new, German-born director Martin Roth on what he learned in Dresden—and Beijing
The Italian dealer and co-founder of Sperone Westwater spoke to us in 2011 about botany, the difference between European and US galleries and why the "big gallery" systems won't last
Yet the EU's share of the market is steadily declining and the US may already have lost its lead
President Aznar of Spain stated that cultural protectionism was “the refuge of a country whose culture is in decline”
Are taxes and regulations hamstringing Europe or does the US just spend more?
Record giving approached £1bn across the continent
Read this and keep it if you’re an artist, a dealer, an auctioneer, a collector, a museum curator, an academic, a publisher, an advertiser, a sponsor, a restorer, an architect, a lawyer or an arts administrator—inside or outside Europe
Flying art around the world