Per the terms of the Met’s agreement with the Greek government, the cast-bronze antiquity will return to New York next year for a special exhibition
Scientific analysis confirmed that the ancient, headless sculpture had been looted from a shrine in Bubon
The two black-figure ceramics will remain on view at the Massachusetts museum for up to eight years as part of a new agreement between the institution and the Italian culture ministry
The trove of 30 Mesoamerican objects includes a ceremonial trophy for the first ball game
Italian police used wire taps and drone surveillance to intercept the thieves
The panel said there is no evidence that the works, which are held in the collection of Bremen Kunsthalle, were lost as a result of Nazi persecution
Withdrawn from auction in February, the shield will make a stop at the Toledo Museum of Art before going on public display at the National Museum of Ethiopia in Addis Ababa
A vase of summer sunflowers in a late autumn scene proved a giveaway
Seized by Hitler's deputy, Hermann Göring, the picture disappeared in mysterious circumstances during the Second World War—but could it survive?
Some of the 133 objects being repatriated are associated with the antiquities smugglers Subhash Kapoor and Richard Beale
Dispute centres on the Doryphoros statue, which Italy believes was looted in the 1970s
Civil action for return of looted Schiele painting dismissed but criminal case looms
A haul of historic objects looted following the Battle of Okinawa make their way home after almost 80 years
Ethiopian Heritage Authority asked to contact vendor to request restitution of battle trophy taken following British expeditionary force's punitive siege of Maqdala in 1868
Disagreement centred over whether the painting, looted in 1868 and later sold to a private collector in Portugal, should be bought by the government and returned to Ethopia
Edoardo Almagià, who graduated from Princeton University in 1973, has been connected to a range of antiquities currently in the museum's collection
The painting had been looted at the battle of Maqdala in 1868, but is now in the possession of a Portuguese collector
Restitution of tabot, which was bought by an art scholar for this purpose, puts spotlight on the British Museum to return 11 in its possession
An Art Newspaper investigation uncovers new details on the infamous seizure in 1868 by Richard Holmes of a 500-year-old painting of Christ, the Kwer’ata Re’esu, which never reached the London institution
The artefacts, dating from the third millenium BC, will remain in New York as Yemen’s civil war drags on
An exhibition at the Mauritshuis in The Hague has revealed that the Dutch are still missing 67 paintings looted by the French in Napoleonic times
Loot—Ten Stories, opening this week, explores new ways to represent looted objects after they have been repatriated
The sculpture, which depicts a daughter of Roman emperor Marcus Aurelius, is the second out-of-state item to be seized by the Antiquities Trafficking Unit
The museum's director says works with dubious provenance are 'a stain in the collections of the Louvre'
The chairman of the International Association of Dealers in Ancient Art reflects on an increasingly scrutinised industry as the organisation marks its 30th anniversary
The figurines, which were looted from the ancient city of Uruk, belong to one of the oldest civilisations on earth
Guidelines for returning objects looted from former colonies and during the Nazi period are laid out in a report commissioned by Emmanuel Macron and written by former Louvre director Jean-Luc Martinez
Doubts surface in media over Nigeria’s museum infrastructure
A new report claims New York's Metropolitan Museum of Art has many items in its collection with major provenance issues
The artefacts will go on view at the National Museum of Asian Art, rather than be returned to Yemen, due to the ongoing humanitarian crisis there