Saudi Arabia

Saudi artists speak out over new law giving women the right to drive

While some hail the reform as progressive, others question it as a PR stunt

Saudi Arabian artist Gharem’s first US solo show escapes shadow of 9/11

Political and poignant, Gharem's art reflects on one of the defining moments of the 21st century

Saudi artist Abdulnasser Gharem to have first solo US show at Lacma

Former lieutenant colonel in the Saudi Arabian army is known for his politically and socially engaged works that draw on his Muslim heritage

The government of Saudi Arabia to spend $1.7bn on building 230 museums

Thirty international archaeology teams have been invited to the desert land.

Major collectors and new museums in the Middle East

Focus on Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, UAE and Oman


The British Council opened its first art exhibition in Saudi Arabia last month

Foreign Secretary uses occasion to praise Muslim contribution to UK