London’s leading museums lose more than a million visitors during the Games, but Hirst helps Tate Modern buck the trend
Attendance figures for the the Saatchi Gallery exceed their 1 million visitor goal
The 2010 exhibition may instead be shown at the Royal Academy
In the current funding agreement with the Department for Culture, Media and Sport, the gallery’s “Diversity strategy” is described as a “key priority”
“Turks: A journey of a thousand years 600-1600” and “Turner, Whistler, Monet” have been wildly successful
The breakdown of museum funding is now available
Government policy promotes Free Admission
First year of success for Tate Modern
A National Audit Office Report concludes that visitors are discouraged from visiting the institution because of its “highbrow” image
Relaunch in October 2001 intended to bring back the public
The government wants to set precise goals for the number of ethnic minority visitors to museums and make funding dependent on achieving them
600,000 visitors a year and £3.8 million from the National Lottery
Dutch Landscape exhibition proves popular
The artist's long time friend sheds light on the artist as he was, ahead of the Hayward Gallery exhibition on his early works
This year marks a comeback, but there is still room for improvement
New antagonism for New Displays as visitor figures drop in London
It’s all change at the Tate Gallery, as part of Nick Serota’s policy of rotating the collections