Vast sum outstrips budget for reconstruction of city’s royal palace and creation of Humboldt Forum
France's president also plans to install Modern and contemporary works at the Élysée Palace
Online campaign criticises right-wing governments in Austria, Hungary and Poland and warns that Germany could be next
Critics fear that plan will lead to parts of the Powerhouse Museum’s collection being sold off
Newly-funded projects include abandoned department store that was the set for The Grand Budapest Hotel film
There appear to be no winners in what the Arts Council refers to as an “extremely unusual” case
France's latest deal with the Kingdom reveals the close connection between culture and foreign affairs
We exclusively reveal the details of the plans for a “historic” collaboration
New Ebacc qualification marginalises the arts and damages the future of young people in the country, say Turner prize winners
New £3m fund announced for arts projects in northern England at Downing Street reception for creative industries
The event, launched in 2014, is a unique experience freed from “stage-managed dialogue”, its moderator says
The country is due to sign a massive contract with the kingdom to turn Mada’in Saleh and the Al-Ula region into a cultural tourism destination
The Lega party—which may soon be in power—believes that Italy, through its culture, can lead the world
Françoise Nyssen proposed lending the work as a way to fight “cultural segregation”
Shrine was shut amid escalation of Israeli-Palestinian hostilities
Announcement comes ahead of Berlin Film Festival which will have sexual harassment, abuse and discrimination in the performing arts as central theme
Tate rejected artist's project detailing “most inclusive history of art in post-war Britain”
Historic embroidery to leave France for first time since the 11th century
Cultural powerhouse in the Gulf—backed by Aramco—is extending its local and global reach
Presidency bid backed by group of Moscow museum heavyweights
The Turkish president is to demolish a landmark opera house that symbolises the modernity of the country’s founding father
The financier and philanthropist Simon Mordant says the proposed restructure is 'not in Australia or the artists’ best interests'
The liberal intelligentsia say the culture sphere is under attack, while officials argue that it is flourishing
Hans-Jürgen Papier fills post held by Jutta Limbach until her death last year
Government initiative to co-ordinate museum loans worldwide revives an idea of the late Martin Roth
Ownership of vast library of Hebrew manuscripts and books has long been contested
While the country has made progress in providing childcare, it still remains an obstacle
The State Department says the decision was based on concerns over funding and anti-Israel bias in the cultural organisation
New Japan-UK season will bring together artists at the forefront of virtual reality and robotics
The country's cultural institutions speak out about the importance of the National Endowment for the Arts, as President Trump's office drafts a new budget