Nazi looting


The case for a cross-border approach for recovering Europe's Nazi-looted art

If governments are committed to the Washington Principles, they should create a co-ordinating body


The US needs an independent commission for Nazi loot claims

‘If an artwork is located in the US, its fate cannot be decided in any other state, and any wrong decisions cannot be corrected elsewhere’

Another Schiele work returned to the heirs of Fritz Grünbaum

The 1918 drawing had been in the possession of another Austrian Jewish family, which recently became suspicious of the work's provenance and contacted Grünbaum’s heirs directly in order to “do the right thing”

Dispute over a potentially Nazi-looted Egon Schiele goes to trial in New York

Heirs of multiple Holocaust victims have made claims to the drawing, which a member of the Lehman Brothers banking dynasty bought as a gift for his son

Most countries have made little to no progress in returning Nazi-looted art, report finds

Only seven nations have made major inroads in recovering property seized during the Holocaust, according to the World Jewish Restitution Organization

Art Institute of Chicago accused of holding onto Nazi-looted Egon Schiele

The museum insists that heirs to the original collector waited too long to file their claim for the valuable work on paper

US university museum returns Nazi-looted painting to rightful heirs

The Ackland Art Museum restituted a painting taken from a prominent Jewish collector via Nazi coercion

A major Estonian art collection looted by the Nazis is probably in Belarus, new report finds

With the help of Kyiv archives, a historian has investigated the fate of 5,000 works of art and 20,000 books owned by Julius Genss

Christie's launches grant programme to support research of Nazi-era provenance

The year-long grant will support three graduate students researching Nazi-confiscated cultural artefacts between 1933 and 1945

Was Van Gogh's olive grove landscape another Nazi-era 'forced sale'?

We uncover the tangled tale of the painting controversially sold off by New York's Metropolitan Museum of Art in 1972 and now in an Athens museum

How an old postcard helped Jewish heirs retrieve their Kandinsky painting from a Dutch museum

The work, which has been in Eindhoven's Van Abbemuseum since the early 1950s, originally belonged to a collector who died in the Holocaust

Provenance database shines light on looted art in Bavarian collections

Munich-based foundation follows other German institutions in quest for transparency, disclosing ownership of 1,200 works acquired since 1933 with over 500 pieces flagged as "former Nazi property"