Parthenon Marbles

There is a ‘deal to be done’ with Greece over Parthenon Marbles, says British Museum chairman George Osborne

The comments from the former chancellor signals dramatic shift in museum’s policy and attitude ahead of planned protests this weekend

Britain’s major messaging failure on Parthenon Marbles

The UN says it has facilitated a meeting for British officials to discuss restitution with the Greek minister of culture, but Britain denies this

What are the next challenges for cultural restitution?

The full story of colonial plundering lies not in museum displays but in unopened, uncatalogued boxes in store rooms

Your move, British Museum: Sicily sends back Parthenon fragment to Athens

Acropolis Museum director says the move could pave the way for reunification of works held in London

Parthenon Marbles should be returned to Greece, former UK culture minister says

In podcast interview, Ed Vaizey supports restitution but outlines the complex arguments around the debate

Declassified: secret papers reveal UK government's stance on Parthenon Marbles dispute

Newly released documents from the 1990s state: "This is an issue on which we can never win"

Boris Johnson says British Museum trustees must decide fate of the Parthenon Marbles

The British Prime Minister met with Greek leader Kyriakos Mitsotakis, who reiterates that the ancient sculptures should be shown at the Acropolis Museum

Greek prime minister ramps up demands for return of Parthenon Marbles

Kyriakos Mitsotakis wants to send ‘cultural treasures’ in exchange for ‘stolen’ sculptures

How British Museum's maintenance woes have kept Parthenon Marbles off view for a full year

The poor condition of the London museum’s Greek and Assyrian galleries—with roofs in disrepair causing long closures—is adding to calls for the restitution of the contested works

George Clooney wades into Parthenon Marbles debate—again

The actor first stated that the Ancient Greek sculptures should be returned to their site of origin in 2014 after filming The Monuments Men

'Time to give back the swag, guys!' British Museum unleashes Twitter storm with statement on Black Lives Matter

London institution was criticised for proclaiming that it "stands in solidarity with the Black community" while continuing to resist calls to restitute colonial-era loot


Who owns the Parthenon Marbles?

Plus, Shirin Neshat on Trump’s America. Produced in association with Bonhams, auctioneers since 1793

Hosted by Ben Luke and Aimee Dawson. Produced by Julia Michalska and David Clack

Leaked draft of EU paper stirs Parthenon Marbles dispute

But the clause is unlikely to refer to the ancient Greek sculptures in the British Museum, expert says


Will the success of the Acropolis Museum change the Elgin Marbles debate?

Unesco intergovernmental committee is now seeking “a mutually satisfactory resolution to the issue”

Greece's Archaeological Museum of Heraklion to send Minoan antiquities to British Museum

The arrangement may be the first step in diffusing the animosity brought about by the Elgin marbles, although a request for their return is expected


Television Guide: Athens '04 Olympics sparks Elgin marbles documentary and The Art Show sheds light on the collector's perspective

The BBC asks whether Lord Elgin's actions could be justified as the spotlight on the Greeks rekindles the Elgin marbles debate, and Channel 4 programme has dealers weigh in on the state of the art market

Elgin Marbles: a reply by Anthony Snodgrass

The British Committee for the Restitution of the Parthenon Marbles, Cambridge

A short history of the Parthenon Marbles: Why restitution is not always the answer

A look at what happened to the sculptures from early Christian times to the 21st century, and the damage to those remaining after Lord Elgin bought the majority of them

British Museum's findings on the Parthenon marbles cleaning incident said to lack key details

The publication is interpreted by William St Clair to be the result of efforts to protect the institution's reputation

Greece's indecision over where to Parthenon Marbles would reside

Twenty years after the government decided to build a new museum to house the sculptures, still no architect has been chosen

MPs would return the Elgin Marbles: Debates on museum policies concerning restitution requests continue

Restitution guidelines in the UK are changing with the times, but the marbles remain with the British Museum for now

Declassified documents reveal near return of Elgin Marbles

In 1994, the Greek government was willing to accept the restitution of only a small number of the Parthenon pediment sculptures in exchange for an end to the dispute

The Parthenon Marbles and cultural politics: What are we really all talking about?

At a major conference held on 30 November and 1 December 1999, British Museum, Greek and international scholars discussed the nature of any damage to the Marbles in the hushed-up cleaning of the 1930s. Mary Beard puts the discussions in context and tells how, ever since their acquisition in 1816 by Lord Elgin, the Marbles have aroused fierce debate. Why?

How the British Museum's maintenance procedures for the Parthenon marbles have changed

After the sculptures' surfaces were damaged in the 1930s due to improper care, the museum has cleaned up its act


William St Clair makes a rebuttal to the British Museum's defence of its competence to curate Parthenon Marbles

St Clair demands greater candour in the fallout of Lord Elgin and the Marbles' third edition, in which it was asserted that over-cleaning had irreparably damaged the marbles