Rock art

Rare ancient rock art found in Saudi Arabian lava tube

Sixteen panels, thought to have been created 5,000 to 7,000 years ago, include rare depictions of sheep

Archaeologists in Brazil find petroglyphs alongside dinosaur tracks

No, this does not mean dinosaurs and humans lived there at the same time

How ancient cave art is rewriting Puerto Rican history

Recent study shows that humans inhabited and made art in the archipelago thousands of years earlier than previously thought

16 new archaeological sites identified in Brazil’s Tocantins state

Newly discovered rock art, including human and animal footprints, is thought to have been created 2,000 years ago

US President Biden designates two new national monuments in the American Southwest

Both sites contain examples of Indigenous art including petroglyphs and pictographs

Two men sentenced to prison time for vandalising Nevada petroglyphs

The White River Narrows, located around two hours north of Las Vegas, is known for its various petroglyph galleries that date back around 4,000 years

Ancient ‘Hellgate’ pictographs irreparably vandalised in Montana

The pictographs are nominated for listing in the US National Register of Historic Places

Ancient rock art complex Hima listed as Saudi Arabia's sixth Unesco World Heritage site

Global heritage body's decision boosts Saudi government's efforts to promote an open image of the country

Another ancient petroglyph panel has been vandalised in Utah

The Bureau of Land Management is offering a $10,000 reward for information leading to the arrest of those responsible

Boat carvings found in Norway may be the oldest in Europe

Life-size examples of rock art could have served as signposts when early Scandinavians populated the Mesolithic seascape

Ancient petroglyphs damaged by climber in Utah

A man installed several bolts on and around petroglyphs he believed were "graffiti"

Eight miles of Ice Age rock art uncovered in Colombian Amazon

The prehistoric murals—dubbed the "Sistine Chapel of the ancients"—depict people interacting with now extinct animals such as mastodons and giant sloths, before the region became a tropical rainforest

Hallucinogenic flower inspired Native Californian rock art, archaeologists say

“Doses” of datura plant used in communal ceremonies have been found embedded in the ceiling of Pinwheel Cave

What can mysterious markings in stone teach us about British art?

Research for a new book begins with a pilgrimage to find prehistoric rock art in northern England

Scientists uncover a secret to rock art’s durability

Ancient artisans in British Columbia heated ochre “gunk” to high temperatures to achieve a vivid and long-lasting red