
Mysterious Stonehenge altar rock was transported 500 miles, finds study

Researchers have found that the six-tonne feature of the neolithic monument likely came from the Orcadian Basin in north-east Scotland, rather than Wales

Campaigners celebrate scrapping of 'monstrous' Stonehenge tunnel scheme

Labour government cancels redevelopment in spending squeeze—but heritage bodies say conservation solutions are still needed

Unesco rejects proposal to place Stonehenge on ‘in danger’ list

The decision, which may be reviewed in 2026, could pave the way for controversial tunnel redevelopment scheme, say campaigners


Victory without damage: ‘Just Stop Oil’s climate activism is one of the most successful disobedience campaigns ever’

The climate catastrophe has been brought to the forefront of the public mind without causing serious harm to the targeted works, says John Paul Stonard

John-Paul Stonard

Two eco-activists arrested after Stonehenge sprayed with orange powder

The ancient site remains open as curators investigate the damage


Unesco reiterates plea for UK government ‘not to proceed’ with Stonehenge redevelopment

The UN cultural body is requesting modifications to the controversial scheme, which will see a dual-carriageway tunnel running close to the ancient heritage site by next year

Controversial Stonehenge tunnel scheme gets greenlight from UK government

Campaign groups say move is ‘as inexplicable as it is disgraceful’


Artist Bones Tan Jones on how a six-day walk from London to Stonehenge inspired them to make their own huge monolith

The exhibition "Tunnel Visions" at Queercircle explores the threat of urbanisation and pollution

Blockbuster British Museum exhibition will 'roll away' mysteries surrounding Stonehenge

Modern science and archaeological recontextualisation of the site will answer some long-looming questions, museum director Hartwig Fischer says

The ‘most important piece of prehistoric art’ found in Britain in a century will go on view at the British Museum

The 5,000-year-old chalk sculpture was discovered on a country estate near the village of Burton Agnes in East Yorkshire

Golden hats, celestial discs and circles of wood and stone: British Museum reveals treasures in Stonehenge show

Exhibition 'The World of Stonehenge'—opening in February 2022—presents the site in the context of Bronze Age Europe

Controversial Stonehenge tunnel is unlawful, High Court rules

Judge concludes that UK transport secretary failed to consider alternatives to the scheme or assessed the ‘risk of harm’ to the Unesco site

Seven sites, including Venice, may be added to Unesco in Danger list

Of the 53 sites on the list—which will be reviewed at a committee meeting next month—only four are in the West

Unesco warns that Stonehenge will go on its danger list unless plans to build tunnel beneath it are modified

World Heritage Site status may also be removed from Liverpool's waterfront after excessive development


Stonehenge: could a road tunnel ruin the ancient site?

Plus, French museums revolt against lockdown closures and artist Crystal Fischetti on Karla Black

Was Stonehenge originally built in Wales? A new study says so

Parts of the world famous monument may have been taken from a stone circle of identical diameter around 250kms away, researchers claim

Discoveries at Stonehenge highlight controversial new tunnel's threat to heritage

Recent excavation has uncovered late Neolithic and Bronze Age artefacts and human remains

Stonehenge campaign group plans to sue UK government over controversial tunnel scheme

£1.7bn project breaches Unesco’s World Heritage convention says group's lawyer

Plans for £1.7bn tunnel under Stonehenge—approved by UK government—sparks criticism

Unesco opposes the scheme which could result in "total loss" of archaeological treasures but English Heritage says it will "reconnect the site with its prehistoric landscape"

Origins of Stonehenge's giant slabs revealed in new research

Sample taken in 1958 was key in discovering ancient site’s "geochemical fingerprint"

How Germany’s 4,000-year-old answer to Stonehenge shows that Brexit is 'nonsense'

Pömmelte, sacred site that was used by the ancient Unetice culture, is opening up to tourists

Blitz, bodies and the British landscape: Bill Brandt and Henry Moore’s intertwining careers explored in new show

The assistant curator Clare Nadal talks us through five key images from The Hepworth Wakefield’s exhibition

Art marketarchive

What's it worth to you? Stonehenge's value is assessed in a recent survey

English Heritage has carried out a contingency valuation of Stonehenge and discovered that 58% of those polled would be prepared to help finance the site’s improvement