Artist Ahmed Jahaf speaks out about how the world continues to ignore the crisis in his home country
Signs of the Russia-Ukraine conflict are everywhere in Latvia—and there's a growing number of culturally disenfranchised citizens, too
The show at Fridman Gallery features the work of artists who have faced emotional and logistical difficulties due to war
Photographs by former British army officer Andy Barnham capture the lives of the translators whilst hiding their identity from Afghanistan's extremist rulers
Around 200 valuable works had to be sent in five convoys of six trucks across Europe as war in Ukraine hampers shipping
The work was made in collaboration with local poet Viktor Solodchuk
Plus, the Cezanne blockbuster at The Art Institute of Chicago and Nicola L.’s Gold Femme Commode at Alison Jacques
These five missing paintings might still survive—possibly looted and secreted away
Online articles by staff at the National Museum of the History of Ukraine show how items resonate with the war-torn country
The titanium People’s Friendship Arch above the statue will remain but be renamed the Arch of Freedom of the Ukrainian People
Amid Russia’s savagery we must maintain a clear ethical stance when intervening to protect culture
The "meditative" space aims to put Russia's war in Ukraine at the heart of the exhibition—and at the forefront of peoples' minds
Town of Trostianets has pushed out the Russian army but has suffered widespread destruction
Museum staff, heritage custodians and volunteers are racing against time to safeguard the country's cultural treasures, many of which, ironically, are connected to Russia
A delivery of 15 tonnes of donated packing and conservation materials was organised by Icom France
George Gittoes and Hellen Rose will create a large “peace mural” in Kyiv and develop collaborative videos and performances with locals
Ukrainian port city has been under constant bombardment since the outbreak of the war with Russia in February
Cultural institutions in the neighbouring country are sending emergency aid and housing refugees
Culture ministry initiative will offer three-month residencies and an emergency telephone service
Director has been posting emotional updates on Facebook as Russian forces shell area
Cathedral building has suffered external damage as bombs land 50m away
From artist residencies to heritage lobbying, here is a list of 11 organisations and initiatives offering support to art workers, students and their families during this humanitarian crisis
Controversial political figure was in post for eight years from 2012
Poland’s Auschwitz-Birkenau Memorial described the Russian invasion as "an act of barbarity that will be judged by history", while the Arsenal culture centre in Kyiv calls it a war “against all democratic states”
Russia has warned of "legal repercussions" for taking part in anti-war demonstrations
President Putin’s decision to send troops into Luhansk and Donetsk will severely punish an already beleaguered Russian culture sector
As tension with Russia escalates, institutions near the border are checking their security systems and considering their evacuation plans
Joseph Sywenkyj's series Wounds documents the aftermath of the armed conflict in the Donbas region
The White Monument at Tell Banat contains the bones of what are believed to be around 30 dead soldiers, posed as if they fell in battle
The terrorist group destroyed 350 churches and persecuted Iraqi Christians in 2014