A Unesco antiquities trafficking expert says the theft is "probably the worst case so far"
Michael Barzman will pay a fine, do community service and be on probation for his role in the forgery scandal
But Hartwig Fischer stepping down is not linked to the alleged thefts, say fresh sources
The items include a piece of Roman jewellery—reportedly worth between £25,000 and £50,000—being offered with a minimum price of £40
Higgs, who was sacked earlier this year, is alleged to have sold uncategorised items from the museum's collection on eBay as early as 2016
The museum in London is reckoning with a huge security breach after admitting that jewellery and gems dating back millennia had been removed from its storeroom without detection
According to the lawsuit, Aaron De Groft stood to benefit from the eventual sale of the fake Basquiats—and planned subsequent shows of works purportedly by Titian and Pollock
Recent high-profile cases, such as those of Daniel Elie Bouaziz and Angela Gulbenkian, demonstrate that lengths of sentences vary widely, with little consistency in judges’ reasoning
New report traces the origins of the oft-repeated superlative, which its authors say is incorrect and actually makes it harder to fight trafficking
The lawsuit comes amid a crackdown on sales of fake Native American artefacts
The Vermont State Police is looking for any leads regarding the whereabouts of the 150-pound sculpture and another element of the set
The Hamptons neighbours got into a spat about zoning violations
Wendy Halsted Beard was arrested last year after an FBI investigation
93-year-old Jean Lupu, who allegedly faked 17th- and 18th-century royal furniture, and his wife say they are unable to stand trial due to illness and stress
Statements by one member of a crime ring that struck 20 different institutions over two decades have restored hope that not all the loot was destroyed
Lino Frongia is suspected of producing the fakes that sold for millions of euros
The late antiquities dealer was accused of profiting off stolen Cambodian antiquities
Mohamad Alcharihi faces up to two years in prison and will be sentenced at the end of August
Kandinsky’s "A Colorful Life" (1907), which had belonged to collectors Emanuel and Hedwig Lewenstein, was sold in a 1940 Amsterdam auction
Lavish lifestyles, misplaced confidence and the wish to keep up with billionaire clients can all wreak financial havoc
The programme offers a compelling narrative for art crime beginners but more depth is needed when it comes to colonial repatriation
Victims spent “tens of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of dollars” on counterfeit art sold by the dealer, according to the US Department of Justice
The two protesters have have been indicted by federal prosecutors on charges of conspiracy
The Seattle-based artist had pleaded guilty to violating the federal Indian Arts and Crafts Act
Governments are increasingly aware of the risks involved with using shell companies and other complex dealings to trade art
Two of the men on trial were previously found guilty of stealing a giant gold coin from Berlin’s Bode Museum in 2017
The outspoken adviser appears to have closed her Tribeca gallery and is unreachable amid accusations that she defrauded collectors of profits from the sale of an Adrian Ghenie painting
Former OpenSea product manager Nathanie Chastain has been convicted of wire fraud and money laundering in a landmark case
The collector, Stuart Pivar, claims he sold the 1977 portrait of himself to his lawyer for $100,000 because he needed cash quickly; he is now suing that lawyer for $10m
Yuga Labs has won a partial victory in its legal dispute with artists Ryder Ripps and Jeremy Cahen; the decision could impact future copyright copyright rules in Web3