British Museum thefts

Another object has been stolen from the British Museum—but this time by an artist

Ilê Sartuzi's short-lived heist involving a 17th-century coin draws parallels to the recent scandal over the theft of thousands of items from the museum’s collection

Hartwig Fischer, former British Museum director, is appointed to run Saudi museum of world cultures

Fischer, who resigned after a thefts scandal at the British Museum, has been announced as the founding director of the new institution, which is expected to open in 2026

‘We’ve got our man’ says British Museum chair as BBC programme digs deep into thefts

George Osborne’s comments were made on Thief at the British Museum, which has been released both as a one-off television show and a radio series

British Museum recovers a further 268 stolen objects

The institution’s chair George Osborne has described the total number of items returned as a result that “few expected”, though more than 800 remain missing

How a Danish museum was asked to safeguard and then return 290 stolen gems to British Museum

The Danish specialist Ittai Gradel, who first raised alarm about thefts of antiquities from the London museum, and earlier returned 61 gems bought separately on eBay, approached the Thorvaldsens Museum to help in repatriating a second, larger set of stolen pieces

British Museum’s legal action over thefts is ‘locking the stable door after the horse has bolted’, experts say

The museum's former acting head of the Greece and Rome department, Peter Higgs, is facing legal action after being accused of stealing up to 2,000 objects

British Museum interim director backs Parthenon Marbles loan plan with Greece

Mark Jones also says BP deal is the ‘right one’ and announces recovered items show

Who wants to be the next British Museum director? Post advertised with a salary of £216,000

Successful candidate will have their work cut out for them to restore the institution's reputation after last year's theft scandal

The Year in Review 2023: the biggest stories and the best shows

From the British Museum thefts to the consequences in art and heritage of the Israel-Hamas war

Hosted by Ben Luke. With guest speakers Louisa Buck and Benjamin Sutton. Produced by David Clack, Julia Michalska and Alexander Morrison
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Review into British Museum thefts calls for fundamental reforms

The Independent Collection Security Review urges the museum to take urgent action, including fully recording the collection and tough management changes

British Museum releases further details of independent review into thefts

The review team will now liaise with the police for the criminal investigation

British Museum to digitise collection as one million objects are found to be undocumented

George Osborne, the chairman of the trustees, says the thefts began over two decades ago

Questions raised about role of British Museum trustees as thefts crisis progresses

George Osborne, the museum's chair, and the UK culture department are among those in the spotlight in the wake of Roman and Greek objects being stolen

After-shock: why the Parthenon Marbles negotiations must continue

Discussions about the return of the ancient Greek artefacts have likely slipped down the British Museum's list of priorities. Here, Alexander Herman, the author of a just-published book on the subject, tells us why the museum can ill afford to neglect the matter for long

Exclusive: British Museum launches webpage to recover stolen objects—and announces return of 60 items

The museum has also stated that 300 further items are “due to be returned imminently”, and that it has enlisted an international taskforce

British Museum thefts: Mark Jones named interim director of the British Museum

The former V&A director was keeper of coins and medal at the embattled London institution

British Museum thefts: Welsh politicians join the queue in calling for objects to be repatriated

The treasures singled out so far include the Mold Gold Cape and Moel Hebog shield

The Week in Art: The British Museum in crisis—an in-depth look

Plus, the Sāo Paulo biennial and Chaïm Soutine in Düsseldorf

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British Museum appoints scientist Carl Heron as acting deputy director

The embattled institution is yet to announce an interim director after the resignation of Hartwig Fischer

'It's time to publish the British Museum's list of stolen items'

Art publications such as The Art Newspaper could offer to publish free-to-access illustrated lists of the 1,500 or more artefacts, says art adviser Ivan Macquisten

British Museum thefts: Chinese state newspaper calls for the return of cultural relics

Article in The Global Times also criticises the UK’s ‘bloody, ugly, and shameful colonial history’

'The last remaining argument against restitution has now been lost'

To make the British Museum fit for the 21st century it must create a comprehensive publicly accessible database of its entire collection, argues Dan Hicks, curator at the Pitt Rivers Museum in Oxford

Parthenon Marbles deal still on the table despite British Museum theft scandal

Other Greek treasures would come to London in exchange for a loan of the contested sculptures

British Museum director Hartwig Fischer steps down with immediate effect

Fischer, who was set to leave his position next year, made the decision to go now amid the scandal surrounding the theft of objects from the museum's collection

Nigeria doubles down on restitution demands following British Museum thefts

Government official says new claim will be made for Benin Bronzes housed in London

‘I viewed the morning with alarm. The British Museum had lost its charm’

The crisis at the museum raises many questions, including who can take the institution forward from here

The inside job: what the thefts mean for the British Museum's future plans for the collection

Shock losses will have ramifications for the institution's ambitious masterplan, with sponsorship hanging in the balance

Investigation by Martin Bailey. Additional reporting by Alison Cole

British Museum theft: underfunding of UK sector has weakened safeguarding of collections, museums body says

The UK Museums Association also stresses that insider theft is rare—though others disagree

Thefts at the British Museum prompted director’s resignation, say media reports

But Hartwig Fischer stepping down is not linked to the alleged thefts, say fresh sources