
Ming and Qing Chinese ceramics: A flood of fakes from Jingdezhen

Forgers reportedly work to order from Sotheby’s catalogues

Paris archive

Creative forgeries bamboozle Paris art groupies

Fake invitations cause chaos, and the culprit remains on the lam

The Modernist fakes mountain: How many John Drewe forgeries remain unidentified

Nearly 200 paintings forged by John Drewe may be on the market. The Art Newspaper tracked down 40


Top collector Werner Bokelberg suing for over $1.7 million-worth of “vintage” Man Ray prints

Magnificent Man Rays turn out to be too good to be true, throwing doubt over other collections of his work


Christie’s sale loses a probable half million over withdrawn paintings found to be fakes

Experts proved just before last year’s auction in New York that at least six paintings were recent forgeries

Fakes and forgeries at the Appraisers conference

“Trompe l’oeil: to fool the eye and to challenge the appraiser” is on in New York

July 1994archive

The hunting and capture of two fakers: Mr and Mrs 'van den Bergen' arrested on forgery charges

Ali Baba’s cave of forgeries uncovered—the crucial evidence lay in the fake certificates


French association of Bronze-founders establish code of ethics

An attempt to combat the damage being caused by forgeries and unauthorised castings


French bronze founders propose action against forgery

Syndicat Général des Fondeurs de France decide on a code of conduct and a central register

Hebborn the fake: everything we learned from the forger's autobiography

By his own claim, his forged oeuvre numbers some 1,100 works ranging from “Mantegna” and “Giorgione” to “Van Dyck” and “Piranesi”


Matisse forgeries in the market is nothing new

Dealers fear more forged prints may emerge