

Getty revises its guidelines for acquiring antiquities—again

Artefacts must have left their countries of origin by 1970, the year of the Unesco Convention, or have proper export documentation to be considered for purchase

Unesco to step in to examine so-called “pyramids”

Academics claim that the dig is “pseudo-archaeology”


Unesco reconstruction plan for Kosovo

Lack of trust between Serbs and Muslims continues to hinder restoration efforts


Switzerland to implement 1970 UNESCO Convention legislation on 1st June

Switzerland’s is known for its pivotal presence in the underground network that moves illicitly excavated artefacts from country to country

Art marketarchive

China requests US impose embargo on Chinese art

China holds the US responsible for pillaging, however US cannot solve China's problems


Landslide warning at Macchu Picchu

Geologists have found the land on the steep slope at the back of the fortress is sliding down at a rate of a centimetre a month


Looters search areas of archaeological importance in Cambodia after bomb disposal experts have de-mined them

Illicit excavations occur as de-mined areas often show no signs of the riches below the surface so authorities do not deploy heritage security teams


“Masterpieces of the Oral and Intangible Heritage”: UNESCO has identified new forms of heritage to the extension of the system of listing World Heritage Sites

28 out of 60 nominations were added to the list, raising awareness of 'masterpieces' that are under threat from modernisation


Places categorised as UNESCO's World Heritage Sites are subject to immense tourism: what is the effect?

As Unesco celebrates the 30th anniversary of the World Heritage Convention, this book analyses the effects of its policies in developing countries


Koichiro Matsuura dubbed "saviour of Unesco"

On the eve of the 30th anniversary of the World Heritage Convention, Matsuura explains his reform of Unesco and the return of the US to membership after nearly 20 years


Long the hub of the illicit antiquities trade, Switzerland is moving towards ratification of the 1970 Unesco Convention

Switzerland also debating new national legislation to make the movement of art and artefacts more transparent


"An absolute political priority": Bamiyan Buddhas may be rebuilt

Unesco will convene an international meeting next month to discuss reconstruction


“Masterpieces of Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity”: A new list by UNESCO

Ancient language, song, dance and performance cannot be kept alive simply in a showcase or tended by curators. This list was produced to highlight their fragility


Unesco adopts a new Convention on the Protection of the Underwater Cultural Heritage to protect shipwrecks lying in international waters

However, the US and UK say the it conflicts with existing maritime legislation and Russia, Norway, Turkey, and Venezuela vote no


The Cambodian World Heritage site, Angkor Wat, is finally being restored

An ongoing effort to restore the ancient site has international teams working altogether but using radically different approaches, resulting in unexpected order


In full: the text of the US Customs import restrictions on Italian archaeological material

The restrictions were imposed following a 1999 request made by Italy under Article 9 of the Unesco Convention


China and US drafting anti-smuggling agreement

A full import ban may not be intended by the Chinese, merely a bilateral agreement to implement the 1970 Unesco Convention

Decisive times for underwater archaeology: Who owns the watery past?

There are an estimated three million undiscovered shipwrecks scattered throughout the world’s oceans. UNESCO is calling for a global treaty to protect them. Salvors say it is unrealistic and unworkable.


Deliberation over ownership of submerged vessels and their booty at the bottom of the ocean leads to Unesco intervention

An estimated three million shipwrecks lay undiscovered. UNESCO is calling for a global treaty to protect them. Salvors say it is unrealistic and unworkable, despite developments in deep-sea exploration technology


New UNESCO protocol states attacks on cultural property during wartime will be criminalised

A new protocol allows for prosecution of organisations and individuals, putting pressure on art market professionals


Where underwater treasure-hunters go, legislation must follow: Unesco's proposal explained

Unesco is calling for a global treaty to prevent commercial interests from destroying shipwrecks found in international waters


Ten out of forty-six new World Heritage sites confirmed in Italy alone due to the Piedmont’s latest emphasis on culture and tourism

Out of the ten newly designated Unesco sites, the biggest includes eighteen royal Savoy properties


Restored revolutionary Bolivian murals by Miguel Alandia Pantoja remain homeless

As chief restorer of Andorra and consultant to Unesco, Guillamet was invited to save these murals. Months later, as revolution brewed, the paintings were abandoned. Seventeen years later, and this remains the case


The aspirations of Chris Smith, new Labour Secretary of State for National Heritage

Smith hopes for Britain to rejoin UNESCO, aiming divert Lottery funds to health and education

Reviving a war-torn city

A plan to reconstruct Mostar's historic centre