

Ancient petroglyph panel in Texas permanently damaged after vandals scratch their names into rock

The National Park Service has issued an open call for information leading to the persons involved in the incident

Kansas University restores Indigenous exhibition after vandalism

Indigenous people proclaiming their own culture and history "makes some non-Natives nervous", says the artist Hock E Aye Vi Edgar Heap of Birds

'Gormley would have liked it': Man who graffitied sculpture cleared in court of criminal damage

Clasp statue at Newcastle University was defaced in May 2019 and again earlier this year

Another ancient petroglyph panel has been vandalised in Utah

The Bureau of Land Management is offering a $10,000 reward for information leading to the arrest of those responsible

Vandals apprehended after covering Richard Serra’s vast desert sculpture in Qatar with graffiti

Government organisation Qatar Museums has launched campaign to encourage locals to respect public works

Man who punched £20m Picasso painting at Tate Modern is jailed for 18 months

Repairing the piece—on long-term loan from a private collection—will take more than a year and cost up to £350,000

Virginia vows to remove monument to Confederate general Robert E. Lee amid ongoing anti-racism protests

Governor says that the state will "no longer preach a false version of history" as calls for racial justice echo across the nation

Monuments across the US are toppled, damaged as protests over George Floyd's death continue

Lawmakers mobilise the National Guard to quell destruction while demonstrators deface Confederate memorials and public works emblematic of white supremacy

Picasso painting of Dora Maar vandalised at Tate Modern

Conservation team assesses the defaced work; man is charged with criminal damage


How Rheims Cathedral's destruction in the First World War had a happy ending

New book explores how the burnt cathedral created a 'profound intellectual rift' between Germany and France, then reconciliation

Reykjavik's Little Mer-Sausage destroyed and discarded

Phallic-shaped sculpture has both shocked and endeared itself to the public

List of 34,361 dead refugees and migrants goes back on show in Liverpool after being destroyed

Reasons and perpetrators behind the removal of the key biennial work remain unclear

Huge disparity in estimates to repair vandalised Ivan the Terrible painting

Ilya Repin’s masterpiece in Moscow’s Tretyakov gallery was struck with a metal pole in May


Famous Russian painting of Ivan the Terrible vandalised in Moscow

Man who confessed to being drunk on vodka tore painting in three places on Friday evening

White supremacist messages and paint spread outside Rothko Chapel in Houston

The historic art installation created as a "sacred space for reflection" was restored and reopened on Monday

Purposeful destruction: Smashing art at the Tate Britain

Tate Britain traces the driving forces and ideologies behind a 500-year history of iconoclasm

Rothko’s children condemn Tate vandalism

One of Tate Modern's Rothkos is defaced in the name of art


Sculpture park refuses to surrender to the vandals of Warsaw

Artists, curators and the community unite to create corner of paradise in rundown park

Dürer’s “Virgin of the Sorrows”: almost too terrible to show in Munich

Three works by the German master went on show last month following an acid attack a decade ago. Two have been restored with a new ion-exchange technique used on paintings for the first time