Little has been know about the city of Karakorum where Genghis Khan once established a camp—until now
The tomb from the time of King Ramesses II is the latest big discovery at Saqqara, south of Cairo
Skeletons of 12 men believed to have fought in the Battle of Austerlitz in 1805 have been discovered in Brno
Archaeologists find body of young Chinese man stabbed to death and dumped in a robbers' tunnel 1300 years ago
Now housed in the British Museum’s Enlightenment Galleries, the mystical object used for occult investigations matches samples found in Mexico, researchers find
Radiocarbon dating of human bones and teeth in Peruvian ruins indicate that the Inca first lived at the citadel around 1420, not after 1440
Team using sonar technology have found evidence of structures and settlements on the seafloor
If bodice-rippers are too boring for your summer reading, take a crack at these other books that have stumped researchers
Musée Champollion in the south east of France—once owned by descendants of Egyptologist Jean-François Champollion’s family—is also exhibiting 82 artefacts on loan from the Louvre
The White Monument at Tell Banat contains the bones of what are believed to be around 30 dead soldiers, posed as if they fell in battle
A newly published research paper explains the authentication and repatriation process for a tsantsa once housed in Mercer University’s natural history collection
Two life-size outlines of boats are thought to have been etched into the grey rock face 10,000 years ago—and more could still await discovery
Archaeologists find remains of houses on stilts, possibly dating to 1000BC, which indicates Lucerne was settled earlier than thought
Citing the discovery of animal skulls and horns, researchers suggest that mustatils may have had a religious purpose
Life-size examples of rock art could have served as signposts when early Scandinavians populated the Mesolithic seascape
Researchers have used artificial intelligence and other advanced methods to examine the ancient writing
Ink writing found on pottery sherds suggests the system spread into the Levant earlier than originally thought
The cache of silver grave goods suggest she was an important leader in prehistoric El Argar society
The unique Palaeolithic instrument was found in a cave rich in rock art, and was marked with red pigment that matches the paintings
Recent excavation has uncovered late Neolithic and Bronze Age artefacts and human remains
CT scans of a mummy from an Australian museum shows the body was covered with a thin painted shell beneath its wrappings
The objects were passed on as “ideological tools” that created advantageous body ideals for women, researchers argue
“Doses” of datura plant used in communal ceremonies have been found embedded in the ceiling of Pinwheel Cave
More than 100 painted coffins have been found at the ancient necropolis of Saqqara, south of Cairo
Researchers have identified nine buildings that require a “quick response” and a further 57 places of worship that could suffer from future cavity collapses
Removal of ancient and modern specimens is latest run-in between President Erdogan’s government and foreign missions
The animals still had their ritual adornments, including necklaces and long, colourful tassels hanging from their ears
The finding of 59 sarcophagi and dozens of statuettes in Saqqara is just “the beginning of the big discovery” Egypt’s antiquities minister says
A local boy pointed out the spot in northwest Argentina where researchers discovered the previously unrecorded site Cerro Quemado
Analysis by German archaeologists suggests that the piece was not part of the Bronze-Age hoard looted in 1999