Art history


Books in brief: British and Irish Art, 1945-51

Despite some factual inaccuracies, this is a refreshing and invigorating presentation that challenges assumptions

Books: A portrait of Ford Madox Brown through his four 'loves'

A study of the women who had the greatest impact on the life and work of Ford Madox Brown

Books: The continuities in Medieval and Renaissance art at the V&A

A deep look into the remarkable objects now on display in the museum's recently opened galleries


Books: What does Pre-Raphaelite mean?

This collection of essays questions how we understand the terms Pre-Raphaelite, Pre-Raphaelitism and the Pre-Raphaelite Movement


Saving the ephemeral art gallery: The director of Tate Liverpool on preserving institutional history

'History is unpredictable, and we cannot know which obscure artist or minor exhibition may once be regarded as a groundbreaking historical event'


Books: Material culture and medieval "Hindu-Muslim" encounter

Objects of translation and the cultural interactions of Muslims and Hindus in the late 12th and early 13th centuries


Interview with Robert Storr: Most theory has little bearing on art

The critic and curator spoke to The Art Newspaper about the role of art theory, and what advice he is giving to his students in today’s artistic climate.


Thomas Kabdebo's "Tracking Giorgione" reviewed

The author is hindered by his own technique


Books: French culture under the Nazis

How artists and the arts fared under the Vichy regime and the German occupation of France, 1940-44

The Cold War may be over, but it is still being fought in terms of its artists

With LACMA's “Art of Two Germanys/Cold War Cultures” opening soon, the artistic heritage of Germany is again under the microscope


Art in the media: Light and dark after the war at the Ferus Gallery and in the art of Georg Baselitz

Ostensibly disparate films illuminate art after the end of World War II

New York’s women on film

Chiara Clemente's "Our City Dreams" at Art Basel

The real meaning of Rubens’ women

A new analysis suggests the artist was sending mixed messages in his work


The art world’s Christmas reading

Artists, collectors, critics, museum directors and auction house executives pick their holiday books


Books: Two books attempt to correct views of pre-Raphaelite art—held by no one

Traditional understandings of the brotherhood are addressed, again


Books: American art from Norsemen to Culture Wars

A well-written history of art in North America for students

Letter: Modigliani needs art historical approach

Dr Kenneth Wayne says scholarship is the way forward

The publication of 'The splendour of Iran' is a landmark of the independence of native academics.

Archaeologically, architecturally and art-historically, Iran is very much on the move