

Belém adds two new museums as the Brazilian city prepares to host Cop30

The Centro Cultural Bienal das Amazônias and Museu das Amazônias join the cultural scene of Brazil's gateway city to the Amazon

19th-century book stolen from Brazilian museum in 2008 is located in London and repatriated

The 1823 naturalist tome describes species of monkeys and bats unique to the Amazon


Why the ancient Amazonian cities recently discovered in Ecuador are so significant

The findings in the Upano Valley, researchers say, counter racist and dismissive attitudes about Amazonian heritage

Plazas and pottery: oldest Amazonian cities uncovered in major archaeological discovery in Ecuador

Lidar light detection technology helped scientists to see beneath the foliage and discover the 2500-year-old settlement

Layout of ancient stilt village in the Amazon may have been based on Pleiades star cluster

A village in Brazil that was in use for around 500 years, until the 10th century, may have been laid out on a celestial schematic

Richard Mosseinterview

Crisis in the Amazon: Richard Mosse on his monumental video tracking the destruction of the rainforest

The Irish artist’s latest work, on show in London and Melbourne, is the culmination of a three-year project


Climate disaster: photographer Richard Mosse on environmental crime in the Amazon

Plus, artist Rachel Maclean on Hieronymus Bosch's influence

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Eight miles of Ice Age rock art uncovered in Colombian Amazon

The prehistoric murals—dubbed the "Sistine Chapel of the ancients"—depict people interacting with now extinct animals such as mastodons and giant sloths, before the region became a tropical rainforest


Archaeologists uncover evidence that legendary Amazons were based on real women warriors

The Scythian tomb contained four women buried with all their regalia and weapons, including a gold headdress, spears and riding equipment