
The fate of the San Francisco Art Institute’s historic Diego Rivera mural hangs in limbo

The proposed sale of the work has raised outcry from artists and city leaders, who have taken action to protect it

Union League Club of Chicago considers selling a prized Monet to stay afloat

The decision has divided members, but there are hopes the work might stay in the Windy City


The deaccessioning debate: 1990-2020

The disposal of objects from museum collections has been a source of controversy for decades. Did 2020 mark a turning point in the debate?

Museums 2020: the year of crashing revenues and anti-racism disputes

Turbulent year draws to a close with sector wracked by pandemic lockdowns and Black Lives Matter challenges

Giacometti, De Chirico and Alfa Romeo cars lead Sotheby's $283m New York sales after major museum works abruptly pulled

Following weeks of controversy, the Baltimore Museum of Art withdrew two paintings just hours before the auction while many other works sold near low estimates

Baltimore Museum of Art calls off sale of Warhol, Still and Marden after outcry

Last-gasp decision after talks with the US museum directors association comes just before a Sotheby’s auction

US Association of Art Museum Directors sends a warning note to its members on deaccessioning

As works head to market, organisation reminds members that its relaxed rules were not adopted to “incentivise” art sales

Sotheby's sale of Israeli museum artefacts delayed after government pressure

Criticism in Israel reached an apex when President Rivlin called for the state to prevent the London auctions

Assailing leadership, two former board chairmen say they are rescinding $50m in planned gifts to Baltimore Museum of Art

Two artists also step down as board trustees amid turmoil over plans to deaccession three paintings


The great museum sell-off: should public collections deaccession to survive Covid-19?

Plus, the artist Jennifer Packer on a Buddhist mural in the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York

Hosted by Ben Luke and Margaret Carrigan. with guest speaker Georgina Adam. Produced by Julia Michalska, David Clack and Aimee Dawson

Sale of more than 250 works from Jerusalem's Islamic art museum raises ethical questions

Israeli museum professionals fear deaccessioning auction could set a dangerous precedent

The Royal Opera House's David Hockney painting sells for £12.8m at Christie's amid deaccessioning debate

The auction house's four-part £90.2m "20th Century: London to Paris" sale saw small bursts of energy for quality lots in the wake of Frieze and Fiac's cancellations

Responding to outcry, Baltimore Museum of Art board chair defends deaccessioning decision

“The greatness of the BMA’s collection does not live within three individual paintings,” she says as the sale of a Warhol, Still and Marden approaches

A flood of art? The market issues around museum deaccessioning

A flurry of museum pieces is heading to auction, but will there be enough buyers for them?

Former trustees and donors ask state to block sale of three important works by the Baltimore Museum of Art

Letter asks Maryland attorney general and secretary of state to investigate planned deaccessioning of a Warhol, Still and Marden

Brooklyn Museum steams ahead on deaccessioning

After netting $4.2m for a Cranach, the museum plans to sell off works by Monet, Dubuffet, Degas, Miró and Matisse

To mirror, and support, community: Everson Museum board chair defends deaccessioning of a Pollock

Auction proceeds will go towards diversifying the collection at the Syracuse institution with “inspirational” art

Baltimore Museum of Art curators respond to deaccessioning criticism

Equity and diversity make history fairer, more accurate and more meaningful in the present, they say

Palm Springs Art Museum will deaccession a work by Helen Frankenthaler at Sotheby's

The work carries an estimate of $2.5m to $3.5m and will help the museum cope with its financial struggles amid the Covid-19 pandemic

'The public need to know the truth': company that valued Sekhemka statue before its controversial sale speaks out

Dealer offered to buy the Egyptian artefact for £4m and save it for the nation, claims Art & Antiques Appraisals

‘Uniquely egregious’: The disturbing precedent of the Baltimore Museum of Art’s deaccessioning plan

Sale of three valuable paintings by Warhol, Still and Marden points to a thirst for a $65m windfall, with no curatorial rationale

Baltimore Museum of Art will sell important paintings by Warhol, Still and Marden

Acting on relaxed rules, it will use the funds for collection care and salary increases as well as diverse acquisitions

Done right, selling museum pieces can work—but probably not with Michelangelos

UK museums may deaccession collection objects with curatorial justification and transparency, but it cannot be treated as a quick financial fix


Sell the Michelangelo or lose 150 staff? The Royal Academy of Arts’s Covid-19 conundrum

Plus, the curator Legacy Russell talks about her new book Glitch Feminism

Hosted by Ben Luke and Margaret Carrigan. with guest speaker Alison Cole

Royal Academy of Arts considers selling Michelangelo marble to plug financial hole—and not for the first time

Some academicians argue that instead of cutting almost half of the institution's jobs, it should consider selling the Taddei Tondo—worth several hundred million pounds

Cranach, Courbet and Corot: a closer look at what the Brooklyn Museum is selling off

The institution is deaccessioning its only Cranach and 11 other works to finance care of its collection

Why the Association of Art Museum Directors’s move on deaccessioning matters so much

Decision to relax rules on selling art exposes chinks in a fortress

Mark S Gold and Stefanie S. Jandl

AAMD loosens rules for museums seeking to divert income amid coronavirus crisis

While legal hurdles remain, the museum directors’ association will not penalise members who redirect restricted funds to cover operating expenses

Disneyfication at the National Gallery? Plus, the problem with deaccessioning in the UK

The stigma around state museums selling works means that other institutions dare not buy them; and a frank review of the National Gallery's Leonardo exhibition

UK local authority's plan to dispose of 90% of works in its collection rings alarm bells

Art Fund raises concerns about consignment of 152 works to auction by Hertfordshire County Council